

一、 基本装备与准备 (Gear and Preparation)

Backpack (背包): "I need a bigger backpack for this hiking trip." (这次徒步旅行我需要一个更大的背包。)
Hiking boots (徒步鞋): "Make sure you wear comfortable hiking boots." (确保你穿舒适的徒步鞋。)
Tent (帐篷): "We need to set up the tent before it gets dark." (天黑之前我们得把帐篷搭起来。)
Sleeping bag (睡袋): "My sleeping bag is too thin for this cold weather." (我的睡袋对于这么冷的天气来说太薄了。)
Headlamp/Flashlight (头灯/手电筒): "Don't forget your headlamp for the night hike." (夜间徒步别忘了你的头灯。)
First-aid kit (急救包): "It's essential to carry a first-aid kit." (携带急救包非常重要。)
Map and compass (地图和指南针): "We should check the map and compass before we go." (出发前我们应该检查一下地图和指南针。)
Sunscreen (防晒霜): "Apply sunscreen regularly to protect yourself from the sun." (定期涂抹防晒霜以保护自己免受阳光照射。)
Water bottle (水壶): "Remember to bring enough water bottles." (记得带足够的水壶。)
Snacks (零食): "Let's pack some energy bars as snacks." (我们带一些能量棒当零食吧。)

二、 户外活动类型 (Types of Outdoor Activities)

Hiking (徒步旅行): "Let's go hiking in the mountains this weekend." (我们这周末去山上徒步旅行吧。)
Camping (露营): "We're going camping by the lake next month." (下个月我们要去湖边露营。)
Rock climbing (攀岩): "He's an experienced rock climber." (他是一位经验丰富的攀岩者。)
Mountaineering (登山): "Mountaineering requires special training and equipment." (登山需要特殊的训练和装备。)
Cycling/Biking (骑自行车): "I prefer cycling to driving in this scenic area." (在这个风景优美的地区,我更喜欢骑自行车而不是开车。)
Kayaking/Canoeing (皮划艇/独木舟): "We'll go kayaking on the river tomorrow." (我们明天要去河上划皮划艇。)
Fishing (钓鱼): "He spent the whole afternoon fishing." (他整个下午都在钓鱼。)
Backpacking (背包旅行): "Backpacking allows you to experience nature more closely." (背包旅行能让你更贴近自然。)
Trail running (越野跑): "Trail running is a great way to stay fit." (越野跑是一种保持健康的绝佳方式。)

三、 户外场景描述与交流 (Describing Scenery and Communication)

The scenery is breathtaking. (景色令人叹为观止。)
The view is stunning. (景色令人惊叹。)
It's a beautiful day for hiking. (今天徒步旅行的好天气。)
Let's take a break and have a picnic. (让我们休息一下,野餐吧。)
Are you tired? (你累了吗?)
How much further do we have to go? (我们还要走多远?)
I think we're lost. (我想我们迷路了。)
I need help! (我需要帮助!)
Let's stick together. (让我们待在一起。)
Watch out for that rock! (小心那块石头!)

四、 安全提示 (Safety Tips)

Always let someone know your hiking plan. (总是让别人知道你的徒步计划。)
Be aware of your surroundings. (注意你周围的环境。)
Check the weather forecast before you go. (出发前查看天气预报。)
Stay on the marked trails. (留在标记的小路上。)
Don't go alone. (不要独自一人去。)

五、 拓展词汇 (More Vocabulary)

Summit (山顶)
Valley (山谷)
Ridge (山脊)
Cliff (悬崖)
Trail (小路)
Creek (小溪)
River (河流)
Forest (森林)
Wildlife (野生动物)
Insect repellent (驱蚊剂)



